Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Tour de Trail Angels: From Hiker Heaven to Casa de Luna to Hiker Town

Day 29:
*Zero in Aqua Dulce! And for an added bonus, Krazy Kary, a very unique and eccentric trail angel, drove a few of us to REI for the afternoon. She has always been a ranch girl and remembers getting her first pony at age 3. In her teenage years, living in Malibu, she used to ride her pony bare back to the beach with her surfboard somehow harnessed to the pony. She'd hitch it to a tree and go surfing all afternoon. We heard tons of fascinating stories from Kary and the trip was a complete treat. Also, Kary is one inclined to use terms like "Clusterfuck," to make "cock" jokes as she does raise chickens and turkeys, and to hang a Tales from the Crypt head from her rearview mirror - it's a warning to people not to mess with my truck, because then they have to deal with me."

*Zero day at the Saufley's. About 10 hikers set up residence in their backyard for two nights. Our first real taste of the hiking community since we started the trail!! Hung around, listening to The Beatles and Willie Nelson records, and watched The Big Lebowski.

Day 30:
*We leave the Saufley's into a light mist. Donna Saufley, a most excellent trail angel and human being said as we left, "Not many get to leave here in the rain," but thus it was so. We hiked 17 miles through clouds settling over us and through rain to stumble upon the Hiker's Oasis Cache - a water cache under cover of trees with Hawaiian decor mixed with Halloween decor, a bunch of lawn chairs, and an entire cooler filled with soda and beer. What's more, there was a note encouraging us to hike 7 miles more to the "Casa de Luna" for taco salad for dinner and pancakes for breakfast. We arrived to loud music, a bunch of empty beer bottles, people playing frisbee and hackey sack, dogs barking, a futon with people sitting on it and drinking, and two of the most kind and generous trail angels-Joe and Terri Anderson.
Casa de Luna = hawaiian shirts, flip cup, taco salad, magical manzanita garden. What happens at Casa de Luna, stays at Casa de Luna.

*We met "Team, Smrt"(pronounced smart). Six hikers who took a wront turn and hiked 50 miles in the wrong direction. They found themselves at Casa de Luna for the second time in one week. Based on the amount of beer they have been consuming since the beginning of their trip, it was inevitable.

Day 31:
*Dump day at Casa de Luna. We helped load some of the junk from the front yard, drank some coffee, and then headed out into the rain once again with full 1 pound breakfast burritos. We met up with our new hiking crew, Todd, Heaps, and Monologue, and enjoyed some laughs and some Pink Floyd at the campsite.  The clouds dissipated briefly and we had sun--first time in 4 days. 

*Let's not forget about the family who let their generator run all night long.

Day 32:
*The clouds must have settled upon the saddles because we all woke up with our gear drenched. However, this only lasted temporarily because the clouds finally broke and the desert heat fell upon us. Luckily, our destination was Hikertown, another hostel type hiker refuge put on by Bob and Richard. A strange place run by strange men and a bunch of live stock. Richard worked in movies and so he had a bunch of old set-design material and props, which make it difficult to tell which facilities were real and which were fake. Very relaxing and Richard made pancakes for us in the morning to boot. The only weird part was when Richard offered Ben a part in hi latest film, x-rated starring an 87 yr. old woman.(SSN: HAHAHA!)

Day 33:
*Nothing much besides 6 miles, approximately, of walking along the LA Aqueduct through the desert valley(yeah for Joshua Trees) and some pretty serious heat. Yet, the night ended spectacularly as we cowboy camped at the base of Tyler Horse canyon, two ridge lines rising up on either side of us, and sleeping under a full moon and stars in the great American desert-very western!

Day 34:
*Hiked through another windfarm and hitched into Mojave.


  1. It seems like you guys are doing a lot of town stops!? Sounds like the trail magic is something special. I can see your giddy faces. And Paul if you want to have a coke instead of a beer when you pass one of those coolers, you go right ahead and have a coke, do not let Ben make fun of you. I love that watching the Big Lebowski is a must while hiking a long trail.
    Let me know when your debut film comes out Ben. It's like "The return of Herald & Maude: Hiker Love"

    Secretary Bison Out

  2. You sure are meeting some interesting people. You will have great memories of this trip. I can't believe we missed 2 calls from you, but look forward to talking to you soon. By the way, when are we going to get to see some new pictures? Ryan mentioned your 'giddy faces' I want to see them too! Take care and be safe.

  3. hi from your computer illiterate dad. after 5 failed attempts, mom is finally showing me how to post a comment. sounds like you guys are having an awesome experience. we've enjoyed the blog updates, the pics, and the phone calls. I'm mailing your next package out tomorrow. I'm keeping the address so if you need something else, i can send it out on tuesday. are you seeing any more rattlesnakes? i hear they taste like chicken!!
    love, dad

  4. Secretary Bison, you are doing a fine job with the postings. I know you have always encouraged Ben to be in the movies, but this one you wish for....Not a mother's dream! The images are very bad!!! We have also missed a couple of calls from the desert. We finally talked with Ben on Tuesday (after carrying my cell phone in my back pocket all day) and the pay phone registers on our phone as "private caller." I guess caller id can have a down- side! Sounds like the desert hasn't been so bad and Paul is losing some of his equipment (knee braces, etc.) They sound happy and healthy. Dad has yet to figure out how to post a message. I walked him through the other night, but still nothing. So don't feel too bad Paul's dad! The brothers are going to 311 tonight. Thunderstorms are predicted. Looking forward to talking to you soon my son. Take care and walk on....
    Love you, MOM :-)

  5. Greetings from Chicago!
    With each post, I change my feelings on how much I would enjoy your experience. At first I was all, "6 rattlesnakes in 10 days?!? Oh HEELL NO!!!" But now I'm hearing about free coolers of beer, breakfast burritos and flip cup, so I'm a bit envious. Funny, because we have all that stuff here in the city, but for some reason I bet you guys are enjoying it much more than I could. I'm glad everyone's taking such good care of you out there--I had no idea the PCT was so well known. I figured Ben decided to hike there by throwing darts at a map. In case you're wondering, I've been roughing it a bit too. My school only pays for train fare during the school year, so I have to ride a bike--OR WALK-- everywhere I want to go. Don't worry about me though. I'll survive. Ryan and I will try to pass the McUltimate through Chicago for you guys. Lindsay used words like disgusting to describe it, but I think she'll come around. Can't wait to see more pictures--but not of rattlesnakes. I think you were way to close to the last one by the way.
    Can't wait to hear from you again!

  6. I am so confused. Is bison writing or just doing the work for Ben? Marques is helping Misfortune with life so he cannot go on any wild goose chase up the Pacific Coast. Do not try to tempt him with food and drink.

    Seems to me you have more trail magic on the left coast than the right. Is the trial flatter, more populated or is it just the weather. By the way, if you miss rain, just come to he Midwest. We set records daily.

    So when do you guys do a three state challenge. Oh, thats right, there are only three states on the coast. So what challenges you? I recall when you could do 30 miles a day. are you just out of shape? too much facial hair wearing you down?

    Keep up the good work and no, I do not miss the trips to the bank and the post office.

  7. Hi H! So good to hear from an old familiar voice! Ben and Paul are doing the writing, Bison is the secretary. He gets to write-ups from the boys and types them. Apparently, there is less civilization on this trail and it is more difficult to get to computers. This is why we have fewer pictures. I didn't know Marques moved to Chicago until his post, but I am happy he is taking good care of Misfortune. The boys are in the high Sierra's now so they are hiking in the mountains. What challenges them you ask...I think the rattlesnakes have been one of the biggest! You say you don't miss the trips to the post office? I find that three years later I am having more difficulty remembering to go. I think the last trip did me in. My heart, my nerves, my memory...GONE!!! Happy Trails!
    :-) Ben's Mom

  8. do not ask what the fascination is to live vicariously thrut the hikers. I think they are nuts but, someone has to do it for the rest of us.

    We had ratters when I was a kid in Texas. Scary little critters when you heard the rattle. but, they did give warning before striking. Stay away from flat rocks in the sun was the advice we were given.

    Mrs. W don't worry about the memory loss. The last trip took its toll on everyone. I think those of us left behind were more emotionally drained than the kids when it was over. Who wants to relive all of that. I just remember the fear that food would not arrive on time, the kids would starve to death and I would be to blame. Irrational? sure so that's why I am happy to support you in your hours of need and pray that this time Ben gets it out of his system. Unfortunately, we all know he has it in his blood. I know Lindsay, if not being in school this summer, would be out there with the boys and I would be a wreck again. I am too old for this stuff!!

    Any way, I will continue to track the boys and hope for a good trip. I am sure everything will be great and at least they won't have to worry about a blizzard this summer like the trip thru the White Mountains.


  9. Your irrational thoughts are my thoughts exactly! I think they would be able to buy food, but...I still feel responsible! I think you are right about it being in his blood... the boogeyman will not stop walking! Happy reading and thanks for the support! :-)
