The trip has ended, and it would all be meaningless without a proper thank you, well, infinite thank yous, so here goes:
First of all, thank you to all the trail angels who make the trail as close to a utopian society as I've ever seen. I'm constantly awestruck and inspired by the selflessness and genuine care shown to us travelers while on and off the trail. My love for humanity grows and grows with each trip, and I have only the trail angels to thank for that. I still don't understand it, exactly, but it is beautiful, and I'm content with that. From loaning socks to telling stories, from opening your home to offering quarters for a shower, from picking up stinky, dirty hitchhikers without a grimace to providing huge feasts for any hiker who passes, thank you all. And Piper's Mom, I didn't properly thank you last year, but I am still humbled by my experience with you and your husband at the end of my hike last year. Thank you!!
Thank you my main man, Secretary Bison. I appreciate your willingness and contribution as you join me on another long-distance hike. It is hard to imagine long-distance backpacking without you alongside. You've done a fine job at capturing tone and mood of each post. You're a fine secretary. So thank you.
Thank you, friends from Marquette who now live on the West Coast: James, Kelly, Emily, Paloma, Howard, Becky, Paul, Shannon, and Shannon. Thank you for making such a sweet decision and for sharing your new West Coast adventure with me. And thanks for taking in a homeless man for a day or days. You're all just great.
Thank you, Paul and Melissa, who put up with me the longest. It's hard to express my gratitude, and a few words still don't suffice, but I enjoyed my time in Seattle more than you can know, and I have only you two to thank (and, of course, your great friends, but I was attempting embarrassing flattery). And Hamburguesa, I can't think of better way to finish the PCT than to return to stay with the one who began the adventure with me.
Thank you, fellow hikers, for sharing in the experience. The trail is not the trail without the hiking culture. And that is what calls me back year after year.
Thank you, BirdShot. You're a fine hiking partner, and I'll adventure with you anytime. The contrast seems great when I think back to hiking alone vs. with you. I would much rather have a hiking partner if given the choice.
Thank you, all who have followed this blog and have shared the experience in this way. Kind words and encouragement and sometimes hilarious insulting comments (H., I've missed you this year) make the trip even more enjoyable. Thank you for taking the time.
Thank you, family, for your continuing support. I love you all.
Goodbye until next time!!
Boogeyman, you continue to amaze me with your words, your insight, your selflessness. Thank you for yet another adventure to keep me busy these past few months. I can't say I look forward to another adventure because I know it will take you away from me and cause me to worry. But, I do know it will happen again and again. It is through you and your brothers that I continue to grow. I do thank you for that! Your very proud mom :-)