It's always bittersweet to re-enter the wilderness especially with hosts the sort of James and Kelly. (sorry Boogie, as the secretary, I am making the sound judgment to not refer to you in the third person) I felt much too comfortable for over two days. In this case, the bitter outweighed the sweet. But a hiker must hike. Still alone, for Swiss Miss and Cash are still dilly-daddling along, I hiked north as the rain and snow began to let up. The trail passed lake upon lake, which I took advantage of with either a swim, a camp, or an afternoon picnic. And after days of traversing under heavy conifer canopy, I entered the land of the dinosaurs - three sisters wilderness. Not only did the sun break through, the trail exited the canopy to reveal huge, rugged monstrosities erupting from the surrounding area of rolling hills. I walked up and down the backs of these enormous dinosaurs and wound his way through obsidian falls, where everything sparkled and looked wet and dry at the same time. And then I arrived to a massive prehistoric lava flow, red and black boulders of basalt that I had to scale and climb. Truly a brilliant day of hiking; however, the volcanic rock left my feet aching come evening.
The sun lasted for two more days, but the wind blew hard and mighty and fall weather was imminent. After rounding stunning Mt. Washington and picturesque Mt. Jefferson park, I took a brief fire detour to a trailhead where a member of the forest service shuttled us the 15 miles north.
The following afternoon, I met up with El Presidente, the 1st PCT hiker I'd seen in 3 days. The meeting was welcome and we hiked together for the day, talking of the delicious food the next day would bring at Timberline Lodge Ski Resort. Everything was going smoothly until a caravan (+1 motorcycle) pulled up on us at 3:00am. They were young and couldn't figure out how tents and shoes arrived to the campsite without a vehicle. I set them straight.
And oh, the brunch at Timberline. Gourmet, fresh, local dishes of every sort. Theme: farmer's market. Brilliant! What's more, I discovered my friend Becky, from NMU, worked there. Oh, fortuitous meetings! But there was no time to waste (except a few hours in the pub), El Prez and I hiked out into the dark and rain.
And the morning to follow...more rain. Perhaps next time I can catch some of the most beautiful sights the whole PCT has to offer. Neither here nor there because I had Portland on the brain and organic farmer/massage therapist Carl helped me get there.
Who says friends can't be trail angels? I have found them to be trail angels of the highest order. Thank you Emily, Becky, Aaron, Abby, Tom, Helen, TJ and Sarah! They fed me, watered me (with beer and whiskey) and provided an awfully nice stable to bed down in. Portland and Vancouver, what brilliant places. I was able to visit my old chums Emily and Becky and reunite with the Macdonalds, family friends I haven't seen in ages. There is nothing finer than feeling a little piece of home after weeks in the woods.
But return to the woods I must. Aaron Macdonald drove me back after a U of M football game (victory!) and I hiked out only a few miles. Now I want all to share that you should never judge a book by its cover. I met Erwin at camp, a 60 year old hiker with blue jeans and a "carpet usa" t-shirt on (some hiker, right?). Well, it turns out this guy is a real life Bear Grylls (man vs wild). He explained how he used to run away from home as a child and live in the woods for a week, off the land. He eats grubs, roasted locusts, and ants wrapped in vine maple leaves. ( he showed me this meal). Then he told me about gourmet wilderness food: pine bark spaghetti, cattail corn on the cob, and wild orchid for dessert. He told it all with loud guffaws and a crazy look in his eye.